Yallah Raqs is a podcast made to help you design YOUR personal practice by learning about the practices of others. Each guest shares their experience with their practice along with practical tips you can take away to experiment with in your own dance space. Come create a personal bellydance practice that is tailored to your life, and is just as unique as you are.
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Golden Era with Badriyah
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Badriyah is well known for her work putting together the Golden Era Museum and I’m super excited to have her on today’s podcast speaking more about the Museum and her obsession with the Golden Era.
From the first piece of her collection to the dance characteristics of the Golden Era itself we get into the Golden Era through the decades in today’s episode.
Talking to someone who is clearly so passionate about what they do is a joy and an honor and I am so thankful the the work that Badriyah puts into curating the museum so that the rest of us can enjoy it!
Check out this episode to learn more about the Golden Era and we’ll see you in Golden Era Evolution, Badriyah’s course in this year’s Bundle!
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/89
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Musicality & Expression with Mercedes Nieto -Part2
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Part 2 of 2
How do you express the music?
For Mercedes Nieto, expression and musicality are at the heart of her style, and she joins us today to give us a peak into her process and how she works with her students to grow their ability to express through their dance.
What is the music telling you? How do you feel about it? And how can you build that into your dance?
Mercedes dives into how you can take these questions and an understanding of how your body likes to move and combine them into your story of this song. Into your own expression.
Everyone’s expression and style are different, and sometimes finding your own unique voice in the music can be difficult, but by relying on your feelings? You’ve got somewhere to start.
Check out this episode for an amazing deep dive into musicality and expression, some talk around the idea of audience expectations, gratitude, and showing up for yourself, and your dance.
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/88
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Musicality & Expression with Mercedes Nieto - Part 1
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Part 1 of 2
How do you express the music?
For Mercedes Nieto, expression and musicality are at the heart of her style, and she joins us today to give us a peak into her process and how she works with her students to grow their ability to express through their dance.
What is the music telling you? How do you feel about it? And how can you build that into your dance?
Mercedes dives into how you can take these questions and an understanding of how your body likes to move and combine them into your story of this song. Into your own expression.
Everyone’s expression and style are different, and sometimes finding your own unique voice in the music can be difficult, but by relying on your feelings? You’ve got somewhere to start.
Check out this episode for an amazing deep dive into musicality and expression, some talk around the idea of audience expectations, gratitude, and showing up for yourself, and your dance.
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/88
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Listen from the Heart with Katayoun
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Finding our own unique voice within this dance form is something that a LOT of us struggle with, but it comes down to one thing. How we hear and interpret the music.
And to do that? It’s super helpful to have a basis of knowledge about the music to draw from!
Today Katayoun is hanging out with us to discuss the beauty and richness of Arabic music and gives us some tips that we can use to really start to internalize the music and let our bodies respond.
It’s a fascinating topic, and I can’t wait to jump in with you!
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/87
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Moroccan Schikkatt & Chaaibi with Nawarra of Morocco
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Today we have a special treat! Nawarra of Morocco joins us to talk about the different dances of Morocco, specifically today the Shikkat and the Chaabi!
Much like any country Morocco is a diverse nation with many many different styles of dance, and, hoping to learn more about the North African part of MENAHT, we’re super excited to bring you this resource for learning more specifically about these two dances of Morocco!
Nawarra was born and raised in Casablanca, is a N/A dance Researcher, dancer and Performer and a freelance Lecturer on N/A Cultural Heritage at Various Universities and I’m so excited for her to be joining us here to share some of her knowledge! Shes also one of our teachers in this year’s Bundle where she’ll be diving deeper in to the two dances we talk about today!
As we dance MENAHT dances it is so important to take the time to study and learn the original contexts of what we’re doing and representing and I’m super thankful for Nawarra joining us today to help us down the path of more understanding and hopefully providing us a springboard from which we can start to do more research and learn!
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/86
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Traveling Steps with Chudney
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Today’s episode is all about making your traveling steps musical and our Guest Chudney is absolutely one of my personal favorites when it comes to musicality. Traveling on anything but the beat can be really tricky, but being able to interpret different parts of the music through our movements around our dance space is an amazing layer that we can add that really takes our musicality to the next level.
Join Chudney and I as we talk a bit about how to work with traveling steps, even in small spaces, how traveling movements fit into the musicality of your piece, and how you can train your ear in your dance.
One of the beautiful things about this dance is that there are so many layers, so many different interpretations so come and get some new tools to take your own interpretations all around your dance space.
Shownotes at www.thebellydancebundle.com/85
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Feedback & The Creative Process with Adrianne
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Getting feedback is mostly terrifying for dancers.
I get it, I’ve been there, and so has today’s guest Adrianne.
We start off talking about the creative process and then dive deep into the feedback and critique part that comes with any kind of creation.
Drawing on her background in art school Adrianne shares some tips and tricks for asking for, giving, and receiving feedback on your piece.
When it’s appropriate, what you can do with it when you get it, and how to distance yourself from it so that it doesn’t feel quite so personal.
Adrianne’s Creative Process Workbook walks you through the entire creative process from idea development to lessons learned after your performance. It's a road map for how to take an idea, develop, it seek feedback, make changes the make sense for you and polish up your piece to make sure it's the best it can be.
Check out this episode to learn more about Adrianne’s creative process & some amazing advice around feedback and critique!
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/84
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Drum Solos with Victoria Teel
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Ever decide to start a drum solo choreography, hit the dance floor, start the music, then freeze on where to start? With the music happening all over the place where do you even begin?
And how do you slow down when it feels like the music is pushing you to go fast?
Victoria Teel is joining us in the 2021 Bellydance Bundle to teach us a Drumsolo choreography so we’ve invited her to the show to see what advice she has for those of us struggling with where to start and how to slow down when we approach our drum solos.
She has some amazing tips to help us plan out the pace and texture of our drum solos and ways that we can approach them just a bit differently to make them really shine.
And for those of you who love competitions? She’s got a bit of great advice for you in here as well.
There’s bound to be at least one lightbulb moment today, so jump on in!
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/83
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Creative Shapes with Mahin
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Today we’re here to talk about something foundational that is layered into everything that you do.
Mahin joins us to talk about her thoughts around creative shapes, from the foundations of the shapes themselves in the dance to how we can layer them together with different parts of our bodies and on different planes to create new and unique expressions of the music.
There are infinite ways to approach any shape and any combinations of shapes, it’s what makes our dance so interesting and how we can continue to come back time and time again to something new and different each time.
From improv to combo creation we dive into how we can utilize a simple concept like shape to get super complex and not only use it as a tool for creation, but also use them as a tool for gaining greater confidence in our improvisational sessions.
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/82
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Mindset with Eshe
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Ever find yourself saying bad things about your dancing when you watch a video from your practice? Or find yourself extremely nervous before an event?
Today we have Eshe on the Podcast to share some of her stories around changing her mindset when it came not only to dance performances, but practices and being in the business of dance as well!
So much of what we do as dancers relies on technique and putting in the hours to hone our craft. But what we don’t realize a lot of times is that it’s our MINDSETS about practice, and about our dancing that can also have a huge effect not only on our motivation and ability to show up, but on our actual dancing as well.
Eshe and I are diving into some of the most common mindset shifts that we can make to take our dance and our practice to the next level. From feeling like we deserve success, to pre-show jitters, and having some self-compassion, we dive into some of the mindset shifts that can completely change the way you approach your dance.
Shownotes: www.thebellydancebundle.com/81