Yallah Raqs is a podcast made to help you design YOUR personal practice by learning about the practices of others. Each guest shares their experience with their practice along with practical tips you can take away to experiment with in your own dance space. Come create a personal bellydance practice that is tailored to your life, and is just as unique as you are.

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
What is Folklore with Sheyla
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Sheyla is a dancer from the Czech Republic who fell in love with Egypt and especially the folklore of the country. Funoon Shaabeya, her latest documentary film focuses on Egyptian traditional artists and folklore, which she’ll be discussing with us today
She’ll explore the significance of folklore, the importance of studying with people from the cultures, and how we can approach this heritage with respect and appreciation while dancing folklore.
It’s foundational to any style of bellydance. Yes, even fusion. There is so much to learn and appreciate at the roots of this dance as you’ll hear from Sheyla.
To learn more about Sheyla and the wonderful work she does you can check out her challenge today, which plays wonderfully off of todays episode, and the links to all the places she likes to hang out online at thebellydancebundle.com/110

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
What is Tarab with Zara Dance
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Today? Zara Dance joins us to talk about the concept of Tarab.
These are some of my favorite words. Words that simply don’t have a translation in other languages. Every language has a word or phrase or saying that just doesn’t have a direct translation.
And while that’s beautiful, it can also cause some misconceptions.
Join Zara as she talks about what Tarab is and answers a oft-asked question. Can you only do it to Umm Kulthom music?
You can find links to all Zara’s amazing work at thebellydancebundle.com/109

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Arabic Music & Poetry with Francesc
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Today Francesca is going to take us on a little journey, using a song.
Francesca has her degree in Oriental Languages and Literature for Arabic, and is using her knowledge to bring us how Arabic poetry has had, and continues to have a lasting influence on the lyrics of modern arabic songs.
Knowing some of this background helps us to better understand the emotional impact of these songs and appreciate they beauty of the lyrics.
The song she’ll use briefly as an example here is Zoom Sur Oum by Rashid Taha, which samples a song that I know you know.
We’ve linked the song, and all the ways you can find Francesca on the show page at www.thebellydancebundle.com/108

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Burning Questions with Dawn Devine
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Today we have Dawn Devine with and awesome Q &A .
Dawn is a costumer and historian well known for some of her books, including The Cloth of Egypt, All about Assuit, and Zills, Music on your Fingertips.
If you’ve followed Dawn for a while you may be part of her group on Facebook, which she polled for some Must Answer questions, and today she’s giving you the answers.
Does Dawn dance? Is she ever going to publish her master’s thesis? What about reprints of some of her previous titles that have gone out of print?
Dawn answers these and more, along with some wonderful insight into her research and how some of her works came to be.
You can find links to all of Dawns online stuff at thebellydancebundle.com/107

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Warming Up & Cooling Down with The Dance Safe Project
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Today we have Melbourne, Australian based creator of The Dance Safe Project, Prue, joining us to chat all about warmups and cooldowns.
Sometimes the practices that will keep us dancing the longest are the easiest to implement, and the easiest to skip when you’re on a tight schedule.
Prue goes into why warm ups and cool downs are so important, and talks a bit about how we can make these practices more accessible to everyone with just a couple of modifications.
And if you’re looking for a quick warmup you can do in a tight space? Make sure to check out the accompanying challenge, which you can find, along with links to all the places you can find The Dance Safe Project online at the podcast page. thebellydancebundle.com/106

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Creating Practice with Lisa-Jean
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Today we have Lisa-Jean here to talk to us about creating a practice.
A busy mom of three, Lisa-Jean realized that very few dancers actually TEACH us how to practice, or how to fit time into our busy schedules to dance.
And I’m so on board, it’s one of the reasons we’ve created so many of the resources we have around here at the Bellydance Bundle!
Lisa chats with you today about getting specific on your dance goals, finding the time to practice, and one big shift in how you structure your practice time can make a huge difference.
She’ll go into a little bit about how to take bits and pieces from workshops into a smaller, more compact practice that’s easier to fit into your day
And of course, the most important bit. Having fun along the way.
You can learn more about Lisa-Jean and her work by following her on social and checking out her site. Links to all those cool places can be found on the podcast page at www.thebellydancebundle.com/105

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
The Bold Bellydancer Shift with April Rose
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
April Rose will be sharing a portion of her Bold Bellydancer Shift Workshop.
If you haven’t followed her before April is an Austin-based interdisciplinary artist, teacher, and performer of bellydance, transcultural dance, frame drum, and finger cymbals. She’s absolutely wonderful and her approach to dance and art and life are truly inspirational.
In this portion of her Bold Bellydancer Shift Workshop she’ll share with you several reasons she believes a paradigm shift is happening in the fusion dance space, but honestly many of her points ring true for the Raqs Sharqi space as well. She’ll dive into carbon copy styling versus developing your own creative intuition and using that to create your own style, and how in the end, it really is all about the process.
This workshop was originally given as part of the Cohesion Camp Virtual Retreat and is available as part of the 2023 Bundle. Or was, if you’re listening to this after November 10th, 2023.
If you like this you can check out more from April by following her online and checking out the Cohesion Collective. All links can be found at www.thebellydancebundle.com/104

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Believing in your Business with Oreet
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Today is a MUST listen if you have any kind of bellydance business. And like our guest says, if you’re getting paid at all? Then you have a business
And she couldn’t be more right
Join Oreet for a fantastic episode where you are going to be taking some SERIOUS action steps.
Oreet is the creator of Sharqui and offers coaching and mentorship as part of her Teacher training. Today she's going to get you to take the fundamental first step in your business.
Believing in yourself. Then she’ll help you assess your business to see where your strengths are, and your challenges. Much like we do for our dancing.
Personal opinion, your dance practice and your business practice have a LOT in common.
So join Oreet for this action packed episode, and check out links to find out more from her at www.thebellydancebundle.com/103

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Disability Basics with Minda Mae
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Today we have Minda Mae joining us from Minneapolis! She is the founder of the DisabiliTease Academy, the first virtual school specifically geared towards performers with disabilites and their allies. She’s also the first wheelchair-using burlesque performer in Minnesota.
Through her work she helps students advocate for themselves and teachers show up more inclusively for their students.
Here in our mini episode she’ll go through some of the basics, what is a disability? Accessibiilty? Accomodations?
She’ll also share a couple of simple things you can do right now to make your marketing and your studios to create a safer space for dancers with disabilities.
You can learn more about Minda and the amazing work they do online by checking out their website and social media pages, all linked at thebellydancebundle.com/102

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Multi-Tonal Zills with Drake
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Today you’ll be spending some time with Drake, an interdisciplinary bellydance researcher and performer based in the Chicago area. He joins us today to chat a little bit about Multi tonal cymbals and how to integrate them into your dance.
He’ll go over what Multi-tonal playing is, how to play zills even if you’re not dancing to middle eastern music, and a way that you can scale any multi-tonal playing to your level.
Find your zills and join in with today's episode!
You can check out a visual challenge to go along with today’s episode and find all the cool places to hang out with Drake online on the show notes page at thebellydancebundle.com/101